Welfare & Safeguarding
Every child or young person who plays or participates in football should be able to take part in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from abuse.
We have two dedicated welfare officers, Mark Vaughan and Kim Lea, who champion the safety and well-being of our players, coaches, and volunteers, handle safeguarding issues, promote inclusivity, and foster a positive environment for everyone involved in the club.
The FA is the governing body in England for football and safeguarding is a fundamental aspect of The FA's role – and that of its affiliated members.
Collectively we have an ongoing duty to ensure the game is a safe, positive and enjoyable experience for the children, young people and adults who regularly play, watch, coach, referee and volunteer.
Our united approach to safeguard across the game is driven by a clear three-part strategy:
- Implementing preventative safeguarding measures (such as safer recruitment) to create fun, safe football environments;
- Making the reporting of concerns as easy as possible;
- Ensuring safeguarding, child protection and adult at risk concerns are investigated swiftly and thoroughly in conjunction with statutory agencies – and with demonstrable outcomes.
Key Safeguarding Contacts
Portsdown Pumas Welfare Officers
Mark Vaughan | Kim Lea
Email: cwopdp@outlook.com
Tel: 07949050262 | 07813165445
Hampshire County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer
Shantell Woodward
E-mail - Shantell.Woodward@HampshireFA.com
Tel - 01256 853012
The FA Safeguarding Team
E-mail - safeguarding@TheFA.com
Tel - 0800 169 1863